Saturday, January 16, 2010

Update from Thursday

Thursday was our appt in Chicago and treatment day. The trip in was fun-heehee. We took the train into Chicago and what an experience that was. After getting into Chicago we took a small(ya right) walk to get from the train station to the University of Chicago. It was quite the adventure. We made it safely though.(Apparently though, according to our infusion nurse, we walked through the "wrong" section of Chicago-woops-wont do that again!)
Ryan had bloodwork done and his labs were all good except for his liver functions which are still too high. His Dr decreased his oral chemo since Ryan was having too many side effects, and we will try to increase again in 2 weeks. We then went for his IGF treatment, and he tolerated it very well. Overall, we had a lovely day! Ryan is feeling better, and we are looking forward to Feb 10th, when we find out if the treatment is working.


  1. AWWWWWW, Feb. 10, It WILL be a good day, Good news for you and Jasi's 5th birthday. The day just has a magical ring!!! Blessings, KK

  2. Love the pictures! We miss you all so much as well. I see your house every day and am just waiting for the boys to pop out and say Hi Robin...where is Carter? LOL...
    Ryan, glad you are hangin in there bud. We hope you are really doing alright and can't wait to have a beer with you soon!!
    Carter says hello to the boys!! Feb 10th! Fingers are crossed!! Mike & Robin :-)
