Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oncology Appointment

We saw the Ocologist today. Ryan's scans came out negative-no sign of the cancer spreading to other organs. Since he has not treated this type of cancer, he wants us to go to a large University to see an Oncologist. Its looks as though we will either be going to the University of Michigan, or MD Anderson in Texas. We will be hearing back from him in the next hour to let us know where we will be heading. He said that we will be going soon, since time is of the essence.

Ryan is healing great, and has been such a pillar of strength. God works wonders and we are confident that Ryan will set history as being "cured" of this rare type of cancer. We are so thankful that we have all of you to lean on during this difficult time.

From our entire family to yours, we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Have you found out where you are going yet? MD Anderson is in Houston. Just a few hours from here. Good luck with finding the right doctor!
