Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Im sorry that we have not given an update in quite sometime, the last few days have been a whirlwind!
Yesterday, we had our appt with our Oncologist in Fruitland. We were supposed to start the radiation right after. Our oncologist recommended that we consider the clinical trial as one of our best options. For those of you who are unfamiliar with what this entails, I will give a brief overview. To qualify for the clinical trial, you have to have reoccurant cancer, which Ryan now has with the 1.7 cm mass on his adrenal bed. When we initially talked about the trial, we considered it because if we started the radiation before, then the trial was out. We were not okay with having an option taken, so we gathered more information. After finding out that there were options that were as good, and didnt require us "moving" to Michigan, we decided to stay with the radiation treatment and not consider the clinical trial as an option unless our oncologist said that it was the only way to go . . . and we were confident that he wouldnt say that.
Oh were we wrong! Without much hesitation that is exactly what he recommended to us. So we have pondered and prayed, and came to the decision today that we will give it a go. ANY OPTION FOR POTENTIAL CURE IS WORTH IT!!
So, we fly out Saturday morning. We will be taking the kids with us and staying for 6 weeks. In 6 weeks we will know if the treatment is working, and re-evaluate our sittuation at that time.
We want to again thank you all for being so supportive. We love and appreciate you all so much, and we will make it through this because you have all helped carry us through this.

Have a Very Merry Christmas!


  1. Ryan & Ashley
    My thought and prayers are with you each step of the way. May you have a very Merry Christmas and a very safe trip. Thank you for the updates, and keep us posted.
    Love to you all

  2. We are continually praying for all of you. We just want you to know that we love you all and will be praying for Ryan and his treatment. Safe travels!!!!

    Roger & Katie Holaday

  3. Hey Ryan and Ashley......Debbie and I know those Michiganders will be good to work with. Know we'll see you back here in no time and if there's anything we can do for you or your families let us know. In the mean time positive thinking and prayers to you and yours. John and Deb Lake

  4. Hi guys well I hope you made it there ok.. I am thinking about all of you everyday.. I am praying constantly for Ryan and the Treatment.. Love you guys..
    Steph and Kaylie
